Our New Coffee Collection | Brewtoria Coffee, A New Roasting Partner

In was in September 2020 that the email came through. Our collaborative coffee roasting partner was selling his local business. I have to admit I was sad to hear this news . I've had a a lot of good discussions with Matt over the years when picking up roasted coffee for customers. Matt also sold me the Huky 500 that I am learning to roast on. I'll never forget that Sunday morning when we connected it to gas in his back room and he showed me how to light the burner and adjust the heat. As scared as I was about applying flame to flowing gas he guided me through the process and taught me how to do it safely and correctly. I am glad I took video of that and I referred to it when I lit the burner for the first few times on my own.

With change, comes new opportunities. I needed to find a new coffee provider as I am not yet ready with my own roasting. After some searching I've found a great partner who can roast and ship amazing coffee the same day.

Coffee Roasting

Our roasting partner selects premium grade specialty coffee beans grown in regions with the perfect climate for sustainable farming. They work with small family-owned or managed farms to source beans that help promote the livelihood of these small farms to promote their livelihood. They have a large selection of roast varietals, some light, and many medium and dark; including amazing blends. The roast batches are small, which provides greater quality; amazing aromas and rich tastes, leading to a balanced cup ideal for pour-overs or drip brew. I am impressed with the quality and fulfillment process and I think you will be too. Check it out!

In the meantime, I will continue to roast in my lab learning and soaking up knowledge and experience. I am kind of like any other artisan, athlete, business owner who works hard at perfecting their craft getting better every day. Someday I'll get there! Until that day, I've got an extremely solid partner turning out fantastic roast profiles for coffee lovers here in the United States.




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