This Guy Loves Coffee.........

If it weren’t for the people who consumed coffee, the warm climate commodity would be just another bean producing bush. So on occasion, Brewtoria will feature stories about how coffee impacts the lives of people.

Today’s post profiles a bearded coffee lover from Michigan’s renowned and mysterious “Thumb region.” When Marc is not sheparding the youth and congregation of the church he serves in, he enjoys him some fine roasted coffee. While Marc does admit to putting some “shuga” in his bean brew from time to time. He boasts with pride that he is “gradually easing into drinking it black.” Yep, straight black!

Marc Herron, Caro, Michigan
Marc enjoying his coffee

Marc loves his Keurig and occasionally presses up some roast at home too. He’s also known to drip some coffee now and then when the mood strikes him. As for his favorite roast, his palette prefers a mellow dark roast, but not so dark that he believed he had grabbed his morning astringent, instead of his coffee.

A few other factoids about Marc’s coffee love: Time of day” “Morning, noon and night.”

Favorite Coffee Quote “No coffee, no talkie” and, “All I need today is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus.”

Amen brother! Thanks for your submission and passion for coffee!

Maybe you have a love of coffee. Maybe it’s your dad, aunt, co-worker, or cousin Betty. No matter who it is, Brewtoria would like to hear your story. Send your submissions to and if your story is selected, you’ll receive some highly coveted Brewtoria swag. Just include your story along with your name and standard contact information and kick back with a cup of coffee and see if your story appears before the masses! 

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